We’re so proud of the article that Unleash Organics’ scientist — Tracy Letain, Microbiologist/PhD — wrote for HortiDaily.com about using Unleash Root Inoculant to manager Carbon Sequestration!
Below is a full link to the article and an excerpt:
Link to full story on HortiDaily.com: https://www.hortidaily.com/article/9384897/root-innoculant-to-minimize-agriculture-s-carbon-emission/
“The grower found that Unleash treatment decreased plant fatality, with 7.2% Unleash-treated plants killed vs 42% Competitor A-treated plants killed, resulting in a 60% decrease in Crown Blight fatality such that replanting would not need to occur in the Unleash-treated fields (Fig. 5). Additionally, the grower found a significant improvement in the soil structure around the Unleash-treated melon plant roots with much less overall compaction, allowing the plants to thrive. This soil structure improvement was a direct result of localized pH changes around the plant roots created by the Unleash microbes carrying out anaerobic / microaerophilic metabolic activities, minimizing CO2 release. These changes create conditions that encourage soil C to remain sequestered. “
Please contact us with any questions about using Unleash Root Inoculant on your farm! We’re happy to help!
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