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organic solutions

The Best Microbial Solutions for General Agriculture
and Cannabis Farming!

Coming Soon! In the meantime, please check out our Root Inoculant and Biofilm Buster Pro product pages  or visit our store to find out how Unleash Organics helps farmers to: 


    • Increase crop yields while lowering need for chemical fertilizers
    • Boost sustainability and long-term fertility of agricultural land
    • Clarify water by breaking down ammonia and other organic pollutants
    biostimulant agriculture solutions

    Do you want a natural way to maximize the growth potential of your plants?  Contact us and find out how our unique combination of microbes can help you maintain maximum potency throughout the manufacturing and application process:

    Phone: 1-888-285-7665

    Email: info@unleashorganics.com

    Or visit our Store!

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